Main Focus
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline porous
compounds, consisting of metal ions linked together by organic bridging
ligands, which possess very high sorption capacities and show a complex
sorption behavior due to their large specific surface area and pore structure,
respectively. These MOFs can be used for storage of gases such as hydrogen and
methane, separation of isotopes such as hydrogen and deuterium, gas
purification, sensors or catalysis.
My current research is focusing on the potential of porous
MOFs in the areas of gas storage and isotope separation of hydrogen at very low
temperature. The physisorption and diffusion processes of hydrogen isotopes on
MOFs will be analyzed by low-pressure volumetric measurements at very low
temperatures. By this way, I shall develop in my thesis an understanding of the
molecular behavior of sorption and the diffusion mechanism, including quantum
effects at low temperatures, on below-nanometer-pore-size MOFs.
Curriculum Vitae
College / University:
1999-2008 B.Eng. in Materials Engineering at Korea University of Technology and Education, R.O.K.
2008-2010 M.Sc. Elite program in Advanced Materials and Processes at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Highest Degree:
M.Sc. with Honors in Materials Science
Ph. D. exam:
May 2014 at the University of Stuttgart
Title of dissertation:
Nanoporous Materials for Hydrogen Storage and H2/D2 Isotope Separation
Major Interests:
Nanoscale Materials for Hydrogen-Storage
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
S. Hug, M. B. Mesch, H. Oh, N. Popp, M. Hirscher, J. Senker and B. V. Lotsch
A Fluorene based Covalent Triazine Framework with high CO2 and H2 Capture and Storage Capacities” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, article in press(2014)
H. Oh, I. Savchenko, A. Mavrandonakis, T. Heine, M. Hirscher
Highly effective hydrogen isotope separation in nanoporous MOFs with open metal sites - direct measurement and theoretical analysis
ACS Nano, Vol. 8, 761-770 (2014)
H. Oh, D. Lupu, G. Blanita and M. Hirscher
Experimental assessment of physical upper limit for hydrogen storage capacity in densified MIL-101 monoliths
RSC Advances, Vol. 4, 2648-2651 (2014)
H. Oh, S. B. Kalidindi, Y. Um, S. Bureekaew, R. Schmid, R. A. Fischer and M. Hirscher
A Cryogenically Flexible Covalent Organic Framework for Efficient Hydrogen Isotope Separation by Quantum Sieving
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 52, 13219-13222 (2013)
H. Oh, S. B. Kalidindi, Y. Um, S. Bureekaew, R. Schmid, R. A. Fischer and M. Hirscher
Eine kryoflexible kovalente organische Gerüststruktur für die effiziente Trennung von Wasserstoffisotopen durch Quantensieben
Angewandte Chemie, Vol. 125, 13461-13464 (2013)
H. Oh, T. Gennett, P. Atanassov, M. Kurttepeli, S. Bals, K. E. Hurst and M. Hirscher
Hydrogen adsorption properties of Platinum decorated hierarchically structured template carbons
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 177, 66-77 (2013)
H. Oh, K. Park, S.B. Kalidindi, R.A. Fischer, and M. Hirscher
Quantum cryo-sieving for hydrogen isotope separation in microporous frameworks: An experimental study on the correlation between effective quantum sieving and pore size
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1, 3244-3248 (2013)
J. Teufel, H. Oh, M. Hirscher, M. Wahiduzzaman, L. Zhechkov, A. Kuc, T. Heine, D. Denysenko, D. Volkmer
MFU-4 – A Metal Organic Framework for highly effective H2 / D2 separation
Advanced Materials 25, 635- 639 (2013)
S.B. Kalidindi, H. Oh, M. Hirscher, C. Wiktor, G.V. Tendeloo, D. Esken, and R.A. Fischer
Metal@COFs: Covalent organic frameworks as templates for Pd nanoparticles and hydrogen storage properties of Pd@COF-102 hybrid material
Chemistry - A European Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 35, 10848-10856 (2012)
T. Stubhan, I. Litzov, N. Li, H. Q. Wang, J. Krantz, F. Machui, M. Steidl, H. Oh, G. J. Matt and C. J. Brabec
Low-temperature solution-processed metal oxide buffer layers fulfilling large area production requirements
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8477, 84770J-84770J-6, 2012
T. Stubhan, H. Oh, L. Pinna, J. Krantz, I. Litzov, and C.J. Brabec
Inverted organic solar cells using a solution processed aluminum doped zinc oxide buffer layer
Organic Electronics, Vol. 12, 1539-1543 (2011)
H. Oh, J. Krantz, I. Litzov, T. Stubhan, L. Pinna, and C.J. Brabec
Comparison of Various sol-gel derived metal oxide layers for inverted organic solar cells
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 95, 2194-2199 (2011)
S.-K. Lee, H.-C. Oh, D.-H. Kim, Y.-C. Jeong, S.-B. Baek, and Y.-C. Kim
Regular Distribution of –OH Fragments on a Si (001)-c(4x2) Surface by Dissociation of Water Molecules
Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 20, No. 9. June 2010
H.-C. Oh, H.-I. Seo, and Y.-C. Kim
Dissociation of H20 molecule adsorbed on Si(002) 2x1 surface: A theoretical study
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 1145, pp.8-13 (2008)
K.-C. Hwang, D.-H. Kim, H.-C. Oh, J.-H. Rim, and Y.-C. Kim
Structural study of ß-FeSi2/Si (001) epitaxial interface by using density functional theory (DFT)
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Equipment Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2. June 2008
S. -H. Jeong, H.-I. Seo, H.-C. Oh, and Y.-C. Kim
Fabrication of silicon V-groove for precision coupling of planar optical splitter and ribbon optical fiber
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Equipment Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3. September 2007
1999-2008 B.Eng. in Materials Engineering at Korea University of Technology and Education, R.O.K.
2008-2010 M.Sc. Elite program in Advanced Materials and Processes at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Highest Degree:
M.Sc. with Honors in Materials Science
Ph. D. exam:
May 2014 at the University of Stuttgart
Title of dissertation:
Nanoporous Materials for Hydrogen Storage and H2/D2 Isotope Separation
Major Interests:
Nanoscale Materials for Hydrogen-Storage
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
S. Hug, M. B. Mesch, H. Oh, N. Popp, M. Hirscher, J. Senker and B. V. Lotsch
A Fluorene based Covalent Triazine Framework with high CO2 and H2 Capture and Storage Capacities” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, article in press(2014)
H. Oh, I. Savchenko, A. Mavrandonakis, T. Heine, M. Hirscher
Highly effective hydrogen isotope separation in nanoporous MOFs with open metal sites - direct measurement and theoretical analysis
ACS Nano, Vol. 8, 761-770 (2014)
H. Oh, D. Lupu, G. Blanita and M. Hirscher
Experimental assessment of physical upper limit for hydrogen storage capacity in densified MIL-101 monoliths
RSC Advances, Vol. 4, 2648-2651 (2014)
H. Oh, S. B. Kalidindi, Y. Um, S. Bureekaew, R. Schmid, R. A. Fischer and M. Hirscher
A Cryogenically Flexible Covalent Organic Framework for Efficient Hydrogen Isotope Separation by Quantum Sieving
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 52, 13219-13222 (2013)
H. Oh, S. B. Kalidindi, Y. Um, S. Bureekaew, R. Schmid, R. A. Fischer and M. Hirscher
Eine kryoflexible kovalente organische Gerüststruktur für die effiziente Trennung von Wasserstoffisotopen durch Quantensieben
Angewandte Chemie, Vol. 125, 13461-13464 (2013)
H. Oh, T. Gennett, P. Atanassov, M. Kurttepeli, S. Bals, K. E. Hurst and M. Hirscher
Hydrogen adsorption properties of Platinum decorated hierarchically structured template carbons
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 177, 66-77 (2013)
H. Oh, K. Park, S.B. Kalidindi, R.A. Fischer, and M. Hirscher
Quantum cryo-sieving for hydrogen isotope separation in microporous frameworks: An experimental study on the correlation between effective quantum sieving and pore size
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1, 3244-3248 (2013)
J. Teufel, H. Oh, M. Hirscher, M. Wahiduzzaman, L. Zhechkov, A. Kuc, T. Heine, D. Denysenko, D. Volkmer
MFU-4 – A Metal Organic Framework for highly effective H2 / D2 separation
Advanced Materials 25, 635- 639 (2013)
S.B. Kalidindi, H. Oh, M. Hirscher, C. Wiktor, G.V. Tendeloo, D. Esken, and R.A. Fischer
Metal@COFs: Covalent organic frameworks as templates for Pd nanoparticles and hydrogen storage properties of Pd@COF-102 hybrid material
Chemistry - A European Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 35, 10848-10856 (2012)
T. Stubhan, I. Litzov, N. Li, H. Q. Wang, J. Krantz, F. Machui, M. Steidl, H. Oh, G. J. Matt and C. J. Brabec
Low-temperature solution-processed metal oxide buffer layers fulfilling large area production requirements
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8477, 84770J-84770J-6, 2012
T. Stubhan, H. Oh, L. Pinna, J. Krantz, I. Litzov, and C.J. Brabec
Inverted organic solar cells using a solution processed aluminum doped zinc oxide buffer layer
Organic Electronics, Vol. 12, 1539-1543 (2011)
H. Oh, J. Krantz, I. Litzov, T. Stubhan, L. Pinna, and C.J. Brabec
Comparison of Various sol-gel derived metal oxide layers for inverted organic solar cells
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 95, 2194-2199 (2011)
S.-K. Lee, H.-C. Oh, D.-H. Kim, Y.-C. Jeong, S.-B. Baek, and Y.-C. Kim
Regular Distribution of –OH Fragments on a Si (001)-c(4x2) Surface by Dissociation of Water Molecules
Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 20, No. 9. June 2010
H.-C. Oh, H.-I. Seo, and Y.-C. Kim
Dissociation of H20 molecule adsorbed on Si(002) 2x1 surface: A theoretical study
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 1145, pp.8-13 (2008)
K.-C. Hwang, D.-H. Kim, H.-C. Oh, J.-H. Rim, and Y.-C. Kim
Structural study of ß-FeSi2/Si (001) epitaxial interface by using density functional theory (DFT)
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Equipment Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2. June 2008
S. -H. Jeong, H.-I. Seo, H.-C. Oh, and Y.-C. Kim
Fabrication of silicon V-groove for precision coupling of planar optical splitter and ribbon optical fiber
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Equipment Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3. September 2007