The IMPRS-CMS summer/winter schools are a highlight of the curriculum. Every year the IMPRS-CMS offers one or two summer/winter schools on themes of a multidisciplinary nature. Internal and external speakers give tutorial lectures as well as overviews of the state-of-the-art in selected research areas.
These workshops are open for everyone, and participation is free of charge. The IMPRS-CMS students play an active role in planning, organizing, and running these schools. Most of the schools will be organized jointly with international partner institutions, like the University of British Columbia or the University of Tokyo.
Upcoming Winter School:
The following Summer and Winter Schools have taken place up to now:
“Design and Synthesis of Quantum Materials”
Stuttgart, September 2020
Summer School of the IMPRS & MP-UBC-UTokyo Center
Workshop on Frontiers of Quantum Materials
Stuttgart, July 2019
together with the International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM) of the Peking University, the Topological Materials Science project in Japan, several Max Planck Institutes, and the University of Stuttgart
Summer School on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technology
Stuttgart, July 2018
Joint IMPRS Workshop on Condensed Matter, Quantum Technology and Quantum Materials
Dresden, April 2017
IMPRS for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (Dresden), IMPRS for Condensed Matter Science (Stuttgart), IMPRS for Quantum Science and Technology (Garching), IMPRS for Many-Particle Systems in Structured Environments (Dresden)
Electrochemical Energy Converstion and Storage
Stuttgart, October 2016
Spin-orbit couplin and relativistic quantum materials
Vancouver, October 2015
in cooperation with the Max Planck – UBC Centre for Quantum Materials
Workshop on condensed matter science
Stuttgart, July 2015 and Beijing, November 2016
together with the International Center for Quantum Materials (ICQM) of the Peking University
Superconductivity and Magnetism at the Nanoscale
Stuttgart, July 2014
in cooperation with the Max Planck – UBC Centre for Quantum Materials and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Forum on Materials for Sustainable Energy
Cambridge (USA), March 2013
together with the Faculty of Materials Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scattering methods for the analysis of the structure of matter
Stuttgart, September 2012
in cooperation with the Max Planck – UBC Centre for Quantum Materials
International School on Surfaces and Interfaces in Correlated Oxides
Vancouver, August 2011
in cooperation with the Max Planck – UBC Centre for Quantum Materials
Winter School on Quantum Nanoscience
Crans Montana, March 2011
in cooperation with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
International School on Quantum Materials
Stuttgart, October 2010
in cooperation with the Max Planck – UBC Centre for Quantum Materials
Nanoscale Materials: Structure –Properties – Relations
Stuttgart, March 2009
together with the Faculty of Materials Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Magnetism in Nanostructures and Novel Materials
Stuttgart, January 2008
in cooperation with the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Dynamics – Moving Matter on Different Time Scales Part II: Phase Transformations, Soft Matter and Cells at Interfaces
Stuttgart, October 2006
Dynamics – Moving Matter on Different Time Scales Part I: Basics and Diffusion
Stuttgart, April 2006
Interfaces of Oxides
Stuttgart, July 2005
Nanomaterials: Science and Engineering Part II: Metals and Semiconductors
Stuttgart, September 2004
Nanomaterials: Science and Engineering Part I: Organic and Inorganic Materials
Stuttgart, April 2004
Theoretical and Computational Material Science
Stuttgart, June 2003