Workshop on Frontiers of Quantum Materials
Stuttgart, July 1st - 3rd, 2019 - Werner Köster Lecture Hall, 2R4
In quantum materials, the collective behavior of strongly interacting electrons generates a wide range of spectacular physical properties including high-temperature superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect.
Understanding this behavior is the key for the creation of a new generation of materials and devices. This workshop will bring together scientists working at the frontier of research on quantum materials at Peking University, in the Topological Materials Science project in Japan, at several Max Planck Institutes, and at the University of Stuttgart.
- Topological Materials
- Spin and Charge Order
- Low dimensional systems
- New developments in solid-state theory
- Spectroscopy
Confirmed Speakers (alphabetically)
- Christian Ast (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Eva Benckiser (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Christian Carbogno (Fritz-Haber-Institut)
- Andrea Cavalleri (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
- Maria Daghofer (University of Stuttgart)
- Jun Fujioka (University of Tsukuba)
- Toshimasa Fujisawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Wei Han (Peking University)
- Qinglin He (Peking University)
- Bernhard Keimer (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Klaus Kern (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Yuan Li (Peking University)
- Xiong-Jun Liu (Peking University)
- Sebastian Loth (University of Stuttgart)
- Walter Metzner (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Roderich Moessner (MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems)
- Qian Niu (The University of Texas at Austin)
- Stuart Parkin (MPI of Microstructure Physics)
- Yingying Peng (Peking University)
- Junren Shi (Peking University)
- Ryuichi Shindou (Peking University)
- Jurgen Smet (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Hidenori Takagi (MPI for Solid State Research)
- Jian Wang (Peking University)
- Fa Wang (Peking University)
- Nanlin Wang (Peking University)
- Xincheng Xie (Peking University)
- Yan Zhang (Peking University)
Poster Session
PhD students and other participants will have the opportunity to present their work as poster. For the PhD students, who wish to receive a certificate of attendance, a poster contribution is mandatory. Participants who are interested in presenting a poster, please contact the coordination office ( before June 19, 2019.
Program and Schedule
The workshop will start on Monday morning (July 1st, 2019), with the first talk at 9.00 a.m., and the program will end in the afternoon on Wednesday (July 3rd, 2019) at 5 p.m.
To register for the workshop please send an email to:
Please Note:
Participation is free of charge, but the workshop does not offer organizational / financial support for your travel and accommodation.