A joint IMPRS Workshop on Condensed Matter, Quantum Technology and Quantum Materials (CONQUA17) will take place in Dresden from April 3rd till 7th, 2017. Involved in the program are the IMPRS for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (Dresden), the IMPRS for Condensed Matter Science (Stuttgart), the IMPRS for Quantum Science and Technology (Garching), and the IMPRS for Many-Particle Systems in Structured Environments (Dresden). The research focus of the four schools has a strong overlap in the fields of condensed matter and quantum technology. At the same time, the involved research groups approach the fields from different angles and with different emphasis. The aim of the workshop is to bring together PhD students of the four research schools. In addition to talks covering various research topics within the theme of the workshop, ample time will be provided for direct interaction between all participants, creating a stimulating environment for discussions.
Topics of the workshop
novel quantum materials, correlated electrons, cold atoms, quantum information and quantum computation, many-body physics, Floquet systems, quantum criticality, topological insulators and superconductors, quantum sensing, collective phenomena and interfaces.
Confirmed Speakers
Eva Benckiser, Immanuel Bloch, Manuel Brando, Ignacio Cirac, Bernhard Keimer, Michael Knap, Andrew Mackenzie, Roderich Moessner, Philip Moll, Takashi Oka, Thomas Pohl, Friedemann Reinhard, Andreas Rost, and Suchitra Sebastian.
Each day will start with a presentation by a senior scientist (45 min), followed by sessions where talks are given by group leaders and PhD students on a certain field. Poster sessions, an excursion and a workshop dinner will be scheduled. The final program will be announced on the workshop webpage and here in March.
We anticipate approximately 15 participants from each IMPRS, i.e. about 60 in total. This comprises group leaders and PhD students of the four schools. About six PhD students of each school should give a presentation of about their research work. All other students must present a poster. Costs for the workshop fee, transport, accommodation, and meals will be covered by the participating IMPRS. Accommodation will be organized by the MPI-PKS and the travel by the IMPRS-CMS.
Registration & Sundries
The registration for the workshop is only possible via the website of the conference. Nevertheless, you should talk with your supervisor and ask for permission before you register for the workshop. Deadline for the registration and the submission of lecture titles is February 17, 2017. Useful information for your way to the venue you will find on the web site of the IMPRS for Many-Particle Systems in Structured Environments.