
Motivated by prospective applications of quantum materials in next-generation quantum technologies, the International Max Planck Research School for Condensed Matter Science and the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST (Universities of Ulm and Stuttgart) are organizing a joint IMPRS-CMS / TQuant Summer School on Quantum Materials and Quantum Technology, to take place in Stuttgart July 11-13, 2018.

The research focus of IMPRS and IQST has a strong overlap in the fields of quantum materials, and in quantum science and technology. This joint Summer School brings together experts and PhD students from quantum physics, materials science, engineering, and life sciences to address advances and challenges in understanding and designing robust quantum systems.  The School will also cover the integration of quantum systems into device architectures, with particular focus on quantum sensors for biomedical imaging and diagnostics.

In addition to introductory keynote lectures, the School also features the most recent scientific highlights of young researchers of IMPRS and IQST, and a poster session intended for PhD students.

Topics of the School:
novel quantum materials, Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) centers and beyond, cold atoms, quantum control, quantum information, quantum sensing for biomedical applications.

Confirmed Speakers (alphabetically)

Ali Alavi (MPI for Solid State Research)
Joachim Ankerhold (Ulm University)
Stefanie Barz (University of Stuttgart)
Eva Benckiser (MPI for Solid State Research)
Bernhard Keimer (MPI for Solid State Research)
Bastian Kern (MPI for Solid State Research)
Svenja Knappe (University of Colorado Boulder)
Sebastian Loth (University of Stuttgart)
Jochen Mannhart (MPI for Solid State Research)
Florian Meinert (University of Stuttgart)
Ulrike Niemann (MPI for Solid State Research)
Tilman Pfau (University of Stuttgart)
Martin Plenio (Ulm University)
Friedemann Reinhard (TU München)
Farida Shagieva (University of Stuttgart)
Joris van Slageren (University of Stuttgart)
Hidenori Takagi (MPI for Solid State Research)
Jörg Wrachtrup (University of Stuttgart)


Each day will start with introductory keynote lectures by senior scientists (90 min), followed by shorter talks and science highlights (30-45 mins) given by young researchers. Additionally, the agenda includes a poster session and a summer school dinner. The final program will be announced by the end of June.


MPI for Intelligent Systems, Heisenbergstraße 3; 2P4 and 2R4 (Details see program)

Registration & Sundries

The registration for the workshop is only possible via the website of the Workshop. Deadline for the registration is July 8, 2018. Please register early because the number of participants is limited.

Please Note:
Participation is free of charge, but the summer school does not offer organizational / financial support for your travel and accommodation.

You can find useful information about the venue here:

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