University Lecture Courses

Here you can find a (not necessarily complete) list of lecture courses given by IMPRS-CMS PI's at the University of Stuttgart in SS 2024.


Lecturer When Where Course number Comment
Scanning Probe Nanoscience Sebastian Loth, Susanne Baumann, et al. Wed 9:45 – 11:15 Raum 6.331
Diffraktions- u.
Robert Dinnebier Tutorials: Tue 8:00-9:30

Lectures: Tue 9:45-11:15
Uni Stuttgart
Lecture Hall 55.21

57360 For more details please check Modul 57360
Functional Framework Materials Simon Krause Wed 15:45 – 17:15 Uni Stuttgart
Lecture Hall 55.21
Started: !!

Hybrid format via Zoom
Semiconductor Physics II Jürgen Weis Wed 8:00-9:30 Lecture Hall PF57.04 041310 Started: !!

In English
Quantum Field Theory Mathias Scheurer Wed 8:00  and Thurs 9:45  Pfaffenwaldring 57;
Room 5.331
045570002 Details can be found here:
Superconducting quantum electronics Ioan Pop Tue 14:00 Pfaffenwaldring 57, Room 4.331 046150062 I will provide an introduction to quantum information processing with superconducting qubits.
Solid State and Materials Chemistry Rainer Niewa , Sebastian Bette

Wed 11:30 - 13:00

Thurs 11:30 - 13:00

Wed V55 4.361

Thurs V55.21
35720 Started: !!
Superconductivity Artem Pronin Fri 9:45-11:15 Pfaffenwaldring 57; Room 3.331 043910002 BCS and Ginsburg-Landau theories, most important experimental results on conventional and noval superconductors, exercises on superconductivity
AC I - Metalle (Stoffchemie) Bertold Rasche Wed 11:30-13:00 V55.22 050300000 Started: !!

In German
Organische Transistoren Hagen Klauk Every winter semester (Oct-Feb)

Fri 9:45-11:15
Uni Stuttgart
Lecture Hall V47.06
292701 In German
Modern Aspects of Magnetism and Spintronics Eberhard Goering Wed 11:30-13:00 57-5.331
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