Information for IMPRS-CMS PhD students

Here you can find links to information of the University of Stuttgart for your registration and enrollment as well as the regulations for doctoral studies.

GradUs - University of Stuttgart

The Graduate Academy of the University of Stuttgart (GRADUS) is the central institution at the University of Stuttgart for the promotion of early career researchers and direct partner of the IMPRS-CMS. If offers a wide range of qualifications, information, counseling and mentoring services.


Instructions and Guide for Registration, Application, Enrollment of Doctoral Students at the University of Stuttgart

On this page you will find very detailed information on the registration and enrolment at the University of Stuttgart as well as all necessary documents for the applyinf for acceptance as doctoral student.
Please follow the instructions carefully.
under "Application for acceptance"

NOTE: For a PhD in physics please use the form “aggreement on doctoral studies” which can be found on the pages of physics department (see link below) instead of the one linked here.

IMPORTANT: All PhD students with foreign university degrees have to fill in and hand in following document which you can download here.

Regulations and forms for doctoral studies in the Department of Physics

Agreement on doctoral studies
Information on the application as Teaching Assistant in Physics.
The page “Teaching Assistant in Physics” exists in German only. On the bottom of the page you can find a link to the application form.


Regulations and forms for doctoral studies in the Department of Chemistry

Agreement on doctoral studies form
Catalogue of potential credit points accepted by the Faculty of Chemistry


Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)

Each MPI-FKF student is assigned to an individual thesis advisory committee (TAC). The main goal of the TAC is to identify any problems before they become serious impediments to the student’s thesis research.

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